David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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David Archuleta: Missing You!

28 December 2009



baptism-Salt Lake City x 2 155My, this year has been a whirlwind! I feel that disconnected feeling! Already David’s yesterdays are starting to fade and what I have left is that purchased T-Shirt, ticket stubs to his concerts and a souvenir photo from his meet and greets. Small tokens that represent events that you swore you would never forget. But even if you did forget them, at least you have those tiny reminders.

We want yesterday to come back yet we yearn for tomorrow. We’ll wait for tomorrow! But what about today? Can we endure the lack of constant twitters mapping out his time, the reviews that describe his smile, laugh and the clothes he’s wearing.

Today is unknown, tomorrow is anticipated, but yesterday is instant gratification, but is it enough to last until we meet again? Hey David, what have you done to us? Not a day will pass that we won’t have you in our thoughts! What magic you’ve done!

We thank God for you every day because we know you’re heaven sent, you are an angel. You gave us yesterday, today we yearn, tomorrow awaits in our hearts.

We will count the days until we meet again!

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