My stretchy cheeks hurt!
What in the world would we do without David Archuleta? The comic relief we get just from some simple Tweets alone is so worthwhile.
When we see him on stage in a concert or performing on Television like the ALMA Awards, we see this seasoned, mature talented artist that blows us away with his music.
Then with a twist of fate, he is vulnerable having a nervous time with dental extractions, stretchy chipmunk cheeks with storms consisting of lightning, rain and snow and all with the concern of his farmer’s tan. HaHa!!! Boy does he make me laugh!!! He also makes me want to hug him and tell him everything will be all right soon!
Sometimes we all forget he is 18 and just like any other teenager with the same problems they all share. Thank goodness he has such an eventful life so he can share with all of us those little Archie moments! Can’t wait for the next one to happen! Wait!! Do I hear another Tweet? Gotto go!!
(Cartoon by Andrew)
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Tags: cartoon · comic relief · dentist
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1 response so far ↓
Well, I could just pinch Andrew’s little cheek! This is so cute.