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David Archuleta’s New Song! – Downloaded Illegally???

27 February 2010



Twitter is definitely buzzing today and it’s because someone got a hold of David Archuleta’s new song.  I have not seen or heard whether this was download illegally or not, but no official word from David or his label suggests that his song is for public hearing. This is so sad as many of his fans respect his privacy and the hard work he puts into his artistry, why can’t we wait for the official release. 

We owe David Archuleta a large apology and hope this was a genuine release and not done illegally.  I will not post the song until we get official word or post even the title. 

Those fans that are twittering and sharing the information for download I beg you to reconsider and delete.  If we find out this song was released today for viewing then I hope everyone enjoys and we can all share with David his beautiful recording.  Thank you.

Mp3 Info

Artist: David Archuleta
Album: Wesley LMR
Genre: Exclusivo LMR
Bit Rate: 160 kbps
Sample Rate: 44100

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