David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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David Archuleta – Catch Me If You Can

18 March 2010



As Simon Cowell once said, “When you got it, you got it”. So David, it’s good you like to run because you will be doing quite a bit of running from females for the rest of your life!

David Archuleta is becoming more well know as time passes and he surely will need someone to run interference for him. How many of us would apply for that job? Hmmm! Keep in shape, dear one, as you will need that fast break from time to time.

He is adorable and so funny as he takes life’s little annoyances in stride. Don’t forget David if one does catch you…remember what Mamma said, “Shop Around”. Haha!!!

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1 response so far ↓

  • lyrix | 1 | 18th March 2010 at 11:16 pm |

    These tweets have been alot of fun and some other passengers tweeted some of the action.

    RT @JeffreyLin: David Archuletta is on my flight .. & the lone hill cheer girls are gonna rush him http://twitpic.com/198xr1

    @ZMoose12 no kidding… They was singing David Archuletta’s songs tryin to get his attention
    1 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to ZMoose12

    @janey79 ha yes. They stampeded ahead of me & caught him. Didn’t see.. Had to get luggage

    @janey79 the womens V-ball squad were college kids so they had more self control. the H.S. cheerleaders…didn’t lol

    JeffreyLin RT @Palrice8: @JeffreyLin Was @DavidArchie wearing green? lol << heh actually he was. he had a black beannie & a blue/green stripped jacket

    I would love to see the picture they took when David was finally caught. 😀