David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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Announcing DA Buzzing Honeybee Columns

4 August 2009


Mood: excited

This week and next DA Buzzing will begin to roll out five new weekly columns. We are excited about the new columnists and hope David Archuleta fans will enjoy reading them each week. All of the columnists will enjoy hearing from their readers, so please comment and send feedback, uh, buzz. DA Honeybees thrive on buzz!

The 5 columnists and their columns are:


DA Buzzing Song of the Week

bigarchiefan’s growing David Archuleta CD Collection now has 73 songs. She will choose one song to highlight each week with an in-depth review of the song and its writers and producers, perhaps an analysis of lyric and melody, and a discussion of David’s voice.

  • first issue will publish today, Tuesday, as a special tribute
  • regularly appears on Mondays
  • includes an MP3 audio or YouTube video


Media Beat

A look at today’s music world — the trends, changes, and challenges. Katheryn may draw upon Billboard charts, album and single sales figures, and radio airtime to provide the facts to support her analysis. And she’ll probably throw down a tough question for us to ponder!

  • periodically
  • “throw-down” question


Type Bee

former high school columnist restores her love of words, puns, poems, puzzles and the letter B takes on a new meaning.

  • on Tuesdays
  • all Buzz-ness and no pun intended


DA Buzz Wrap

pikepss recaps the news, events, and stories of the week. A little repetition never hurts, especially on the Internet where visitors come and go on variable time schedules. pikepss will tell us what happened in the World of David.

  • always on Sundays
  • David news is never old news.


DA Buzzing Photo of the Week

What a lovely job — looking at David’s mug. What a difficult job — choosing only one to focus on each week. But topazjazz will choose one, analyze the ‘lights & darks’ of it, the artistic merits, and credit the professional, amateur, or fan photographer.

  • published on Fridays
  • A Photog’s Dream Job

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Filed in: bigarchiefan|career|columnists|minja|music|opinions|performances|photos|pikepss|Queen Bee|reviews|topazjazz|voice
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