David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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David Archuleta says Voice is Back!

18 August 2009



David is an amazing singer. For a week or more he has suffered with seasonal allergies. And yet…he has been singing so beautifully at each performance. I’m not sure how he does it. How is he able to transform himself from a sick person barely able to breathe into a dynamic performer whose pure vocals inspire and enchant his audience?

Finally, his glorious voice is back in full form and he is celebrating with a video blog for his fans. Hurrah, David!

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 3cota | 1 | 18th August 2009 at 5:12 pm |

    “Boom Boom”! Can you stand it?! So original ‘David’ and just HIM to a T!

    Another thing ‘David Archuleta’.

    The saying, ‘struggles only make you a stronger person,’ is true as gold for this young man. He loses his voice and still gets write-ups like the one from Lorilee Craker (The Grand Rapids Press). post from karenkid

  • pikepss | 2 | 18th August 2009 at 7:37 pm |

    He is just so funny, I love this kid – he loves life so much and enjoys all the samll things we sometimes overlook as joyful! “It’s been nice to have someone from home to hang out with”, yes it is David. I am so happy for your time you got to share with Ashlee. Friends are the rewards you obtain for giving yourself to others.