David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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Huggleless HuggleBee from Archuleta FanScene

27 October 2010



This bedtime story from Kizzi at Archuleta FanScene must be re-published here on DA Honeybees’ DA Buzzing website! Buzz, buzz, Kizzi! And thanks for a great story.

Huggleless Cartoon Honeybee. Kikki of Archuleta FanSceneJust for fun….Our family has a tradition handed down for generations of a bedtime story about HuggleLess HuggleBee. HuggleLess is on a relentless quest for a hug. His adventures over the years always took on the worries we had as kids. Here is a recent installment from the granddaughters.

HuggleLess left school feeling so very sad. He was the new kid at school and had a bad day in the play yard. Again. You see, big, mighty, Muscle-Boy Bee was hounding him *sigh* making fun of him for the whole playtime period….

Read the rest of this sweet bedtime story on Archuleta FanScene.

♫ ♪“In a whirl-wind spinning yeah somehow it knocked me off my feet
But I know better than to let it get the best of me,
I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on
So I put one foot front of the other,
No no no nothing’s gonna break my stride,
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down” ♫ ♪ ♫

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1 response so far ↓

  • 3cota | 1 | 28th October 2010 at 7:23 pm |

    Oh Man! There are some very creative Honeybees out there!!! Enjoyed this story very much Minja!!