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“The heart of a lion”

11 May 2009



Thank you, TOfan, for an inspiring review on David Chronicles! I enjoyed reading this article today. The best line — and it’s so well-written — is:

…behind his niceness lies the heart of a lion — and it beats with strength and courage … and in perfect time.

May 10th, 2009, Can a Nice Guy Finish First? Too Good for His Own Good by TOfan

David Archuleta has the heart and soul of a musician. We all know that music is sublime, and that a musician’s life is often painful and difficult. In the music business, as in many aspects of life, success brings respect. The more success David has in his career, the more the media and the public will consider him for his talent alone. It is so important for his fans to continue providing support in these early days of his life as a singer. Through all the ups and downs, we will give David the unconditional acceptance a great artist needs.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • Katheryn | 1 | 14th May 2009 at 2:01 am |

    It’s 2:00 a.m. and I should be in bed, but I’ve been watching some of the YouTube videos rolling in of David’s appearances on TV in the Philippines. Talk about love and support! Filipino fans have been supplying that in droves!

    On another note, it appears some in the media are beginning to show more respect for David. As you know, I have not watched A.I. this season (save for David’s guest appearance), but I have to admit I was interested to see who made it into the Top 2. The following excerpt comes from Bret Federigan on MSN TV’s Idol Recap:

    “I think Adam should and will win. But I will not be surprised if we see an upset next Wednesday night. We’ve seen stranger things happen. And at the end of day, if the likes of Archuleta and Aiken are any indication, coming in second place on America’s most celebrated reality competition show sometimes is the more desirable outcome.”

    The writer also makes the following comment regarding the other contestant, Kris Allen:

    “Paula was right when she said early on that Kris is one of the most likeable contestants ever. He’s got a radio-friendly sound, an appealing way behind the mic and a demeanor that is reminiscent of David Archuleta’s wide-eyed approach to stardom.”

    Gosh! Such positive references to David, no?!

  • minja | 2 | 18th May 2009 at 3:05 pm |

    When they (the media, the blogs, even AI itself) talk about “American Idol,” the name David Archuleta will pop up from now on. Long after AI is off the air, we’ll be hearing about DA. For me he gave that cheesy, exploitative TV show a relevance it otherwise lacks. With his pure vocals, artistic style, and soulful demeanor, he made AI about the art of singing.