David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing! header image 2


30 December 2008



Often sitting alone, I would try to express my feelings about David and how he has moved me.  Never could I truly explain what was inside, it was felt but not until now did I fully recognize the depth.  After reading Rascal’s He Restoreth My Soul and listening to An Archie Christmas, it now has become so clear.  Quoting Rascal, “We are fellow travelers in pursuit of a guiding light, he restored my soul.  David is the only one in the world incapable of knowing what it is to be moved by the Artistry of David Archuleta”. 

Please go to Noting David and view this beautiful video and read what was written.  My tears of joy and happiness that I found this piece have overwhelmed me.  David has forever changed my life.

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