David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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My head is a spinning!!!!

7 December 2008



I was away for the past several days and couldn’t wait to get back to my computer and catch up with all of the “David news” I had missed.  David’s performances in Sacramento and the tree lighting in LA were amazing!!!!!  The interviews, record reviews, David’s recent blog and new pics from a photo shoot-there’s just soooo much going on!!!!   I’m having a hard time settling down to do my “Archuduties” because there is STILL so much left to read!!!!!  I’ve got to focus and channel my ODD BUT it’s like I don’t know where to start!!!!!  HELP!!!!!   This just goes to show me that in the future I can’t let so much time pass with out feeding my ODD!!!!

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 3cota | 1 | 7th December 2008 at 8:15 pm |

    Yes, I know how you feel! And to think that I thought I wouldn’t see much of him after the tour was over. I am sooooo happy ecstatic!!!! that I was wrong!

    Enjoy catching up with David news. haha

  • Cathy | 2 | 8th December 2008 at 3:46 pm |

    There sure was a ton of news about David in the past few days! It would be tough to try and catch up on it all.

    I feel like I don’t want to miss one single bit of news!

    ODD is here to stay! 🙂