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Idol worship: ‘AI’ hero graced Starland

15 June 2009



David Archuleta. Without a doubt, the biggest Idol commotion ever created at Starland belonged to David Archuleta. “Archie” visited Starland earlier this year, following a general-public onsale that saw every last ticket gobbled up in minutes. In the scalping arena, some crooks demanded more than $800 a ticket. However, come show day, the gracious singer showed his appreciation to hundreds of fans by holding an hour-long meet and greet and photo session and performing onstage for more than two hours.

via Idol worship: Cook just the latest ‘AI’ hero to grace Starland.

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1 response so far ↓

  • lyrix | 1 | 17th June 2009 at 5:23 pm |

    I hope this is a record that will never be broken. 😀