David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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Type Bee: Piano Lesson for David Archuleta

12 January 2010



Another year has begun, but I’m not feeling like a ‘new born babe’. No, I’m still a little tired from all the holiday travelling, rushing, food, excitement. So it’s no wonder that this photo on Flickr caught my attention. Where can I buy one of these pianos? Of course, it made me think of David Archuleta….

Piano for the Bedridden, the Lazy, and the Night Owl

Piano for the Bedridden

You are no doubt wondering why I would think of David Archuleta when viewing such a photo as this. He is a young singer with enough energy for a multi-city holiday tour, a whirlwind cross-country songwriting and recording schedule, and even travel to Central America to help those in need. He is surely not bedridden. Nor is he lazy.

But, by his own admission, he is a night owl. And we know the boy does get tired! He overdoes the P90X® exercise; jet travel lowers his resistance to colds; sometimes he cannot sleep even though he is exhausted. The solution might well be this piano. David could practice songs for his next album while still getting a little rest. This ingenious piano, originally designed in 1935 for the bedridden, would serve the night owl as well.

SOURCE: Piano for the Bedridden


Now make a beeline to a previous “Type Bee”.

Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta

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  • Type Bee: faith, hope and charity (unregistered) | 19th January 2010 at 2:01 pm |

    […] is charity. – Paul in Letter to the Corinthians, 13:13 King James BibleNow make a beeline to last week’s “Type Bee”.Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta Share the Buzz:Share this post anywhere: […]