David Archuleta Honeybees — DA Buzzing!Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta
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Type Bee: Christmas in Davidland

15 September 2009



It’s almost Christmas—in Davidland! On October 13 David Archuleta’s holiday album Christmas from the Heart will be playing throughout the land. ‘Tis the season. Time to carve the pumpkins, stew a cauldron of beef, and sew a spooky costume to wear. «Will you be an Angel, Archie, or Honeybee this year?» We’ll string lights in the topiary and light up the walkway with ghostly luminaries. And before you know it, it’s time to make cornucopias for the holiday table and roast the turkey. We’ll give thanks for all our blessings, especially for Christmas from the Heart. Then sitting by the fire on a brisk autumn night, visions of David dancing in our heads, we will lift up our voices to join him on the chorus.

And then before you know it, it’s December 25th! Happy Christmas to all!

Christmas from the Heart Vocal Exercises

The Christmas season begins early this year with the release of David Archuleta’s Christmas from the Heart. Are you ready to sing along with David? You know you’ll be humming and tapping your toes, wanting to join in. Let’s get our voices in shape for the holiday singing season. By the time Christmas from the Heart arrives, we’ll be prepared to sing Christmas by heart. A-Caroling we will go!

stickman-stretchThe Morning Stretch is a good all-around exercise for a singer. When your feet first hit the floor, lift up your arms and gently stretch toward the ceiling. Starting the day with a good stretch will energize you throughout the day.

stickman-touch-toesWhen you can touch your toes, greater flexibility will be your reward. Bend from the waist and slowly lower your back, stretching your fingers toward your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lift up, raising the arms as you go. Done correctly, this exercise can reduce neck and shoulder tension.

stickman-kneebendsKneebends relax your body. This will open up your chest and diaphragm, giving your voice a richer tone. Take in a deep breath, filling your lungs to capacity, then exhale slowly.

stickman-earsClean out those ears. A singer must have good hearing. haha! Swimming is great exercise for a singer, but protect those ears, as well as nose and throat, from infections. Wear ear plugs.

stickman-breatheDeep breathing opens up your diaphragm, a system of muscles at your lower ribs that acts as an inhalation device. Take in a deep breath through your nose, filling your lungs to capacity, then slowly exhale through your mouth. You’ll feel your diaphragm expand with your lungs. This will help relax you before you begin vocal exercises and singing.

stickman-headstandStanding on your head strengthens the spine, neck, shoulders and arms. The headstand, one of the postures in yoga, also tones the muscular system of the abdomen and legs, helps with deep breathing, and creates healthier lung tissue.

stickman-runningRunning is great exercise for singers. It provides fresh oxygen to the entire body. Running develops heart-lung strength and endurance.

Since I am not a professional singer, athlete, or physical trainer, these “vocal exercises” are offered in fun. For serious, in-depth information, read this text article about vocal exercises or the HTML version.

DA Postcard Blitz: D-DAY October 13

DA honeybee postcardOctober 13, D-Day, is less than four weeks away. Are you ready? Do you have your “Thumbs Up” postcard? Review the plan of action and get all the details, including the mailing address for David Archuleta. If you need help or have questions, please contact me soon. I hope everyone can participate!


beeline n. from the belief that bees return to their hives in a direct line * Date: 1830
: a straight direct course

Let’s use the word in a sentence: “On October 13 U.S. Post Offices were surrounded by a swarm of DA Honeybees making a beeline to mail postcards to David Archuleta.”
Now make a beeline to last week’s “Type Bee”. Catch you next week! Now one final note about vocal exercises…


Truly to sing, that is a different breath. ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Creating Sweet Buzz for David Archuleta

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2 responses so far ↓

  • pikepss | 1 | 15th September 2009 at 1:55 pm |

    I’m exhausted from all the exercises but still can squeeze out enough energy to send David his Honeybee postcard!

    Thanks Minna for the great workout!

  • Type Bee: DA Home S-t-r-e-t-c-h (unregistered) | 6th October 2009 at 12:43 am |

    […] said he has “nice, stretchy cheeks”. His cheeks probably got that way from all the vocal exercises he has been doing since around age 6. Later in the same week David tweeted about more […]